
A view of my work :)

Hello there,

Welcome to my blog. This is a place where i write about things that i find interesting including science, fashion and lifestyle. I am a scientist by day(quite frankly on some nights too) and i love to shop and stare at pretty things when i am not in the laboratory. Fashion for me is therapy..and a very effective one at that. Over time my ability for spotting unique pieces evolved and so i use my super powers to help clients around the world source unique pieces that give their wardrobe that extra oomph. I am also a freelance stylist. I share my shopping and styling adventures on this blog.
I hope you enjoy reading this as much as i enjoy writing on here.

PS: Yes, in my head i am a super-hero...i am part of the Xmen but they just do not know it yet..neither do you :)

About my ability - A genetic mutation that occurred while i was in my mothers womb due to the fact that she was always surrounded by lots of fancy clothes, shoes and bags. The day my mum unwrapped a chanel bag my dad bought for her was the day her water broke. I came out of her womb earlier than i was supposed to after i sensed such luxury leather lurking. I could not stay in her womb anymore and so i was placed in an incubator until the Dr's decided i was healthy enough to go home. 

Fast forward a few years later in September 2002 during immunology class, i and my best friend decided that after the exhaustive lecture, we would take a break and go shopping for a pair of shoes. Alas, 6 pairs of shoes later..a shopaholic was born. And that my friends was when i knew my mutant gene got fully expressed. Over time i have honed by ability like other mutant super heroes and in no time i can tell if a store has what i want or if an outfit looks good or not. I can tell what cut or style goes with what body shape and what colours go well with what skin tone. I can also pick something so cheap that will end up looking like its worth more than it really is. Its all in the detail. I know where to source that item no one seems to ever find and lastly, i don't believe in fashion rules for one good reason..I'm a mutant and rules don't apply to us:)


  1. Wow! I love this. You are so elegant. Im obsessed :)

  2. So when you say scientist, what field exactly? You've mentioned genetics so I guess that?
