Sunday 1 July 2012

On population control

The argument surrounding population control has really been quite annoying to me. Annoying because it all does not make any sense. For one, i really dislike when the west tries to impose certain policies on Africa that will be very beneficial to them. Call me pessimistic, i do NOT believe human beings are that altruistic. The most popular argument is, population reduction will mean that Africans will be able to care for themselves, both on a macro and micro level. So for instance, the government will be able to plan and cater for its population size, and parents will be able to better provide for 2/3 children as opposed to say 5/6. Now why this may make a lot of sense, it is DEFINITELY not the only way the government and parents can provide the best.

Africa has tons of natural resources. Africa basically supports the rest of the world with its resources, so how  difficult will it be to support the continent alone?  For a country like Nigeria for example, if government officials stopped stealing billions of Naira and we had a government that did their job and wants the best for its people, the man that has 7 children would not have any issues at all. The reason some parents may not be able to take care of their kids is because the country does not have a system. no planning, no jobs, no basic healthcare, no proper education, no security..NOTHING. Every household in Nigeria is its own government.

if people in power had common sense and did exactly what they are in power for...their JOB, the country will not be in its current state.  if we had all of the above, our economy would definitely be so much better. if we had a social welfare system, we could definitely support those that are not able to get by.

Population growth for me is a positive thing. if handled right. if Nigeria puts all the needed infrastructure in place and invested in human development, we would be a country to reckon with. our birth rate is high and majority of the population are in the working age. that immediately translates to an economic boom.  we are getting to that demographic transition stage called the demographic dividend and we need to take advantage of it and not let it pass us by. if it passes us by, we can kiss development goodbye and continue to rely on the west for their support and austerity measures that always have clauses attached to it.

Nigeria should not be passing a birth control bill. Thats a violation of human right. China did it with their one child policy and now they have an ageing population their younger generation cannot even manage. every individual has a right to reproduce and people have their cultural beliefs that should not be tampered with. The west have tried all avenues to control Africas population growth. the most recent argument they are using is global warming..when we all know Americans have the largest consumption. they know what to do..Yes! all Americans can reduce consumption but NO...they want to keep living excessively at the expense of Africans.

Unfortunately we have stupid leaders that have no common sense. The Nigerian president has clearly been spoon fed this bill...he is going to pass a bill he lacks total understanding of in terms of negative impacts. He needs to focus on HUMAN DEVELOPMENT...if we dont take advantage of this demographic dividend..we are doomed...a part of me feels thats what the WEST really that they can keep controlling Africa for its natural resources just so they can carry on with their ridiculously excessive lifestyle. They dont really care about Africa. All they care about is their own interests..Altruism does not exist.

What i find very silly is how they are going to enforce a bill when there is no simple birth registry in the country. the fact is, we have no clue how many people live in Nigeria..165 million is probably just a projection. So, Goodluck will need all the luck he can get passing this ridiculous bill..if i were him, id focus on more important issues. then again i guess his priority is warped.

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