Beautiful handbags are an amazing accessory to add to any outfit. I am all for splurging on a nice bag but only if i am absolutely crazy about the design. Birkins, have now become a must have item for all splurging fashionistas out there. Birkins have a $10,000-plus price tag and a legendary waiting list, which is why it is not surprising that the high demand has created a market out there for fake birkins.

I have never understood why people are so crazy about birkins..and would probably never understand why. Beauty they say is in the eyes of its beholder. What totally goes over my head however, is birkin customisation using graffiti or some other kind of 'art'. That totally eludes me.
I understand that if people have spent thousands of dollars on a handbag, with money they have worked hard for, then they should be allowed to do whatever they wish. However, i think graffiti/art on a birkin is just tacky and quite frankly, very annoying to look at. People do crazy things to stand out or to be different but the ones that usually are different/ stand out, do so quite effortlessly.
What do you think? Do you think this is tacky or the ultimate tag of luxury?
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